How Long Does A Chemical Peel Last?

If you need a skin refresh, look no further. Chemical peels are a popular, non-invasive way to improve the look and feel of your skin. But how long do they actually last?

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doctor applying chemical peel to woman's face

A chemical peel is a procedure that removes the top layers of skin to reveal more youthful layers underneath. Each peel aims to leave skin feeling refreshed, smooth, and bright for a better tone and texture. Chemical peels also remove wrinkles, acne, discoloration, scars, or other common skin imperfections. Depending on your skin condition, you may need to undergo a few peels to achieve your desired results.

How Long Does A Peel Last?

Each chemical peel can be completed at a different depth, ranging from light to deep. The duration of your chemical peel results depends on the strength of the peel.

Light Peels

Light chemical peels, also known as superficial peels, are the most subtle and standard form. These results typically last 1-2 months. Because they are soft in nature, your skin does not need prolonged recovery time after the procedure, and you may have an additional peel every 2 to 5 weeks.

Medium Peels

Following light peels, medium peels are the next most common procedure. These peels last up to four months but may last up to 6 with extra treatments. Recovery time naturally lasts slightly longer.

Deep Peels

Deeper chemical peels achieve more dramatic results. Since this is the most intense form, usually only one procedure is needed. Deep peels are the rarest and are sometimes even used for medical purposes. However, these results may last up to 10 years.

Post-Peel Recovery Time

Following the range of light to deep peels, the stronger the peel, the longer the recovery time. After any chemical peel, you can expect your skin to experience irritation. Whether through redness, peeling, or dryness, it is natural for your skin to need healing time after any facial procedure. Typically, any peel will take at least two weeks to improve but expect redness to take longer to fade.

3 Recovery Tips

Following your doctor’s instructions after the peel is essential for optimal recovery results. Here are three more key tips to follow for yourself.

1. Avoid the Sun

Exposure to the sun after a chemical peel damages your skin post-procedure, as rays can reverse the effects of your treatment. If you are outside, make sure to wear sunscreen as a precaution.

2. Don’t Pick

Though your skin will be dry and flaky, do not pick at it. It is normal for your skin to peel off old layers after the procedure. Picking may lead to scarring and further irritation.

3. Moisturize

Be conscious of keeping your skin hydrated after the peel. Your doctor will likely recommend a moisturizer or other products to aid your recovery process.

Book a Chemical Peel in Indianapolis, IN

If you’ve been considering a chemical peel but are still deciding which level to choose, our expert team would be happy to assist you in your skincare journey and determine the best option for you! Get in contact with Supro Direct today for more information.

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